If you’re like most scrapbookers, you probably have a lot of little paper scraps that you aren’t quite willing to part with. I mean, sometimes paper is expensive, and I hate to throw something away that I could use again, so might as well find some way to use it right? Well that’s what I did with this card, I found a way to use up scraps of some of my favorite paper 🙂

Posted by: Megan on May 10, 2015 | Filed as: Cards/Scrapbooking
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It has officially been over 3 weeks since my little brother got married, and finals are finally over, so now I can start sharing some of the cute things I’ve been making. This is actually the card I intended for an engagement card to go along with the mini album I made, but since it took me nearly the entire semester to actually work on and finish it, I guess the card can be a wedding card 🙂

Posted by: Megan on May 5, 2015 | Filed as: Cards/Scrapbooking
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I’m about to finish my second semester in the Elementary Education program, and this is something I created for my Literacy Methods class. After giving a student a phonics survey, I was required to write a personalized lesson with games and activities to help teach the concept the student needed more work on, and in this case it was CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant words with a short vowel sound). Since the student loved Legos, I decided to turn the typically boring word sort into a more fun game by attaching the words to be sorted onto Legos and having them sorted into containers labeled by construction cones. It turned out to be a success because the student went from scoring a 7 out of 15 on CVC words to a 14 out of 15. The Lego vehicle was from my husband’s collection, the white containers were from the dollar section at Target, and the construction cones were from the Silhouette store (found here).  It was time consuming taping all the words onto the Legos, but well worth it.

Posted by: Megan on April 10, 2015 | Filed as: Educational, Kids
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When it’s a new year, it’s time for new calendars, and what’s cuter than desktop calendars?? I found mini easels at Hobby Lobby and knew that I had to turn them into calendars. These are from a few years ago that I made for my in-laws. One of them is full of teeth for my FIL who is a dentist, and the other is a sewing theme for my quilting/sewing loving MIL. The teeth are die cuts from a local scrapbook store (before I had my Silhouette) that I just drew faces onto, and the sewing die cuts are ones that I stamped, colored in, and cut out of cardstock. I found mini calendars online to print, then glued them all onto small pieces of cardstock, and voila! They can be modified to any theme you want, are simple to put together, and make a darling gift as well.

Posted by: Megan on January 5, 2015 | Filed as: Cards/Scrapbooking, Etc., Silhouette Projects
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