Author Archive

Mother’s Day Card using paper scraps

Sunday, May 10th, 2015

If you’re like most scrapbookers, you probably have a lot of little paper scraps that you aren’t quite willing to part with. I mean, sometimes paper is expensive, and I hate to throw something away that I could use again, so might as well find some way to use it right? Well that’s what I […]

Congratulations Wedding Mini Card

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

It has officially been over 3 weeks since my little brother got married, and finals are finally over, so now I can start sharing some of the cute things I’ve been making. This is actually the card I intended for an engagement card to go along with the mini album I made, but since it […]

Lego Construction CVC Word Sort

Friday, April 10th, 2015

I’m about to finish my second semester in the Elementary Education program, and this is something I created for my Literacy Methods class. After giving a student a phonics survey, I was required to write a personalized lesson with games and activities to help teach the concept the student needed more work on, and in this […]

Desktop Calendars

Monday, January 5th, 2015

When it’s a new year, it’s time for new calendars, and what’s cuter than desktop calendars?? I found mini easels at Hobby Lobby and knew that I had to turn them into calendars. These are from a few years ago that I made for my in-laws. One of them is full of teeth for my […]